7-19-15 Fear and Anxiety who doesn’t have them

Today’s message from God talks about fear and anxiety and dealing with them.  God tells us to bring our fears and anxiety to him.  That we should not hide them from him that if we do, the evil one will feed on this and work this against us making our fear and anxiety even greater.  Instead God wants us to talk with him about our fear and anxiety and to let him help us to work through them.  Trusting God with this, will bring more light into our lives and the fear will loose it’s grasp on us because God’s hand hold will be stronger.  I needed this message more than anything today after my mini vacation which turned out to be sad and anxiety ridden days for me.  Instead of focusing on my time with my spouse and working on us together, I focused on all the fears and anxiety I had between us, therefore, letting them grow stronger in my mind and ruining the time I had planned in my head for us to relax and have fun.  I took that fun and worried it away and where did it get me?  Sad and depressed, deeper into depression about something I have no control over and clouded over in fear.  I need to give that fear and anxiety over to God, holding his hand tightly.

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